Evangelism Trends by Michael Campbell

Michael Campbell explores personal baptism stories and their significance in sacred commitments. Campbell presents ambitious research on evangelism effectiveness and discusses challenges in church settings. He also shares some trends among millennials that indicate a shift in outreach strategies due to demographic changes and rising secularism. Watch the full video here.

Michael Campbell serves as Director, of Archives, Statistics, and Research for the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

Construyendo conexiones personales, por Errol McLean

El evangelismo enfrenta varios desafíos, especialmente en lo que respecta a la percepción pública. En este video, Errol McLean enfatiza la importancia de construir conexiones personales como algo crucial para un alcance efectivo. El enfoque debe estar en la amistad intencional, animando a las personas a invertir en relaciones en lugar de tratar a los demás como si tan solo fueran proyectos. Mira el video aquí.

Errol McLean es el director asociado del Instituto de Evangelismo de la DNA.

El mensaje central del evangelismo, por Elizabeth Talbot

El evangelismo es esencial para compartir el evangelio, que significa "buenas noticias." El término proviene del griego e, históricamente, se utilizaba para anunciar victorias, como la victoria de Cristo sobre el pecado. Elizabeth Talbot enfatiza que el mensaje central del evangelismo promete la salvación a través de Jesús. Esta buena noticia es descrita como transformadora, liberando a las personas de la esclavitud del pecado. Mira el video completo aquí.

Elizabeth Talbot es la oradora y directora del Instituto Bíblico Jesús 101.

Building Personal Connections by Errol McLean

Evangelism faces several challenges, particularly when it comes to public perception. In this video, Errol McLean emphasizes that building personal connections is crucial for effective outreach. The focus should be on intentional friendship, encouraging individuals to invest in relationships rather than treating others as mere projects. Watch the video here.

Errol McLean is the Associate Director of the NAD Evangelism Institute.

The Core Message of Evangelism by Elizabeth Talbot

Evangelism is essential for sharing the gospel, which means "good news." The term comes from Greek and was historically used to announce victories, much like Christ's victory over sin. Elizabeth Talbot highlights that the core message of evangelism promises salvation through Jesus. This good news is described as transformative, liberating individuals from the bondage of sin. Watch full video here.

Elizabeth Talbot is the Speaker/Director for the Jesus 101 Biblical Institute

Why Are We Here? by Jose Cortes Jr.

Highlighting a record-breaking number of baptisms in 2023, Jose Cortes Jr. emphasizes the importance of embracing diverse approaches to evangelism. He also highlights the Pentecost 2025 initiative, which aims to launch 3,000 proclamation efforts across North America, inviting everyone to actively share the message of Jesus and advancing evangelism.

Jose Cortes Jr. is the Associate Director of the North American Division Ministerial Association. He leads in the association's areas of Evangelism, Church Planting, Global Mission, Church Growth, and Mission to the Cities for the Adventist Church in North America.

Personal Evangelism, Preparation and Bible Studies I by Karen Lewis

In this video, Karen Lewis compares Paul's missionary experiences in Athens and Corinth, highlighting the significance of preaching the message of the cross rather than focusing solely on doctrines. She shares personal ministry experiences that demonstrate the importance of relying on God and developing Bible lessons centered around Jesus.

Karen Lewis is the Ministerial Director for the Minnesota Conference.

Métodos para la evangelización: Compasión, por Daniel Hall

En este video del Boot-Camp de Pastores Evangelistas 2024, Daniel Hall comparte sus experiencias de transición a nuevas iglesias y destaca el Proyecto Compasión, que combina el servicio con la evangelización. Al involucrar a los niños como responsables de tomar decisiones e invitar a funcionarios de la ciudad a eventos de la iglesia, vieron un aumento significativo en la asistencia y las conversiones. En particular, el alcalde de Lake City se unió a la iglesia después de obtener una comprensión más profunda de sus creencias.

Daniel Hall es el pastor de la Iglesia de Éfeso en Columbia, Carolina del Sur.

Métodos para la evangelización: pequeños grupos, por Heber López

El camino de la vida gira en torno hacia el amor de Jesús, con Dios trabajando activamente en la vida de cada persona. Las amistades y la familia son esenciales para fomentar el crecimiento comunitario, y cuando le damos a Jesús la prioridad, amamos plenamente a los demás. En este video, Heber López analiza cómo la dinámica de la iglesia apoya las reuniones de grupos pequeños, los cuales son vitales para un crecimiento significativo. Invertir en nuevos miembros y mantener amistad con aquellos que están fuera de la iglesia son aspectos cruciales para la plantación exitosa de iglesias.

Heber López es el pastor principal de la Iglesia Hispana de West Palm Beach en Florida.

Approaches to Evangelism: Compassion by Daniel Hall

In this video from the Pastor Evangelists Bootcamp 2024, Daniel Hall shares his experiences transitioning to new churches and highlights the Compassion Project, which combines service with evangelism. By involving children as decision-makers and inviting city officials to church events, they saw a significant increase in attendance and conversions. Notably, the mayor of Lake City joined the church after gaining a deeper understanding of its beliefs.

Daniel Hall is pastor of the Ephesus Church in Columbia, SC.

Approaches to Evangelism: Small Groups by Heber Lopez

Life’s journey revolves around love for Jesus, with God actively working in each person’s life. Friendship and family are essential in nurturing community growth, and prioritizing Jesus enables us to love others fully. In this video, Heber Lopez discusses how the church's dynamic supports small group gatherings, which are vital for meaningful growth. Investing in new members and maintaining friendships with those outside the church are crucial for successful church planting.

Heber Lopez is the senior pastor of West Palm Beach Hispanic Church in Florida.

El resultado final de la evangelización, por José Cortés Jr.

En este video, José Cortés Jr. enfatiza la importancia de la planificación estratégica y el compromiso con la comunidad. Él destaca el éxito de los esfuerzos evangelísticos, señalando que más de 38,000 personas fueron bautizadas en Norteamérica en 2023, un logro significativo a comparación del año 2011. Cortés enfatiza la importancia de ver los números como individuos que aceptaron a Jesús y se unieron a la familia de la iglesia. Mira el video completo aquí.

José Cortés Jr. sirve como director asociado de la Asociación Ministerial de la División Norteamericana. Lidera las áreas de evangelismo, plantación de iglesias, misión global, crecimiento de iglesias y misión a las ciudades para la Iglesia Adventista en Norteamérica.

Oportunidades de evangelización digital en el mundo moderno, por Rohann D. Wellington

En esta presentación, Rohann D. Wellington habla sobre las oportunidades de evangelismo digital para pastores e iglesias. Recalcando la interconectividad, Wellington destaca la importancia de llegar a las personas digitalmente. También enfatiza la importancia de alcanzar a las personas digitalmente, mencionando que hay 360,000 búsquedas mensuales en Google de "iglesia en línea" y 30,000 de "relación con Jesucristo". Algunas herramientas digitales claves discutidas en este video incluyen las redes sociales, la transmisión en vivo, el podcasting, la inteligencia artificial, el blockchain y las criptomonedas. Mira el video aquí.

Rohann D. Wellington en el director de servicios profesionales de La División Norteamericana.

The Ultimate Result of Evangelism by Jose Cortes Jr.

In this video, Jose Cortes Jr. emphasizes the importance of strategic planning and community engagement. He highlights the success of evangelism efforts, noting that over 38,000 people were baptized in North America in 2023, a significant achievement since 2011. Cortes emphasizes the importance of viewing numbers as individuals who have accepted Jesus and joined the church family. Watch the full video here.

Jose Cortes Jr. serves as Associate Director of the North American Division Ministerial Association. He leads in the association's areas of Evangelism, Church Planting, Global Mission, Church Growth, and Mission to the Cities for the Adventist Church in North America.

Digital Evangelism Opportunities in the Modern World by Rohann D. Wellington

In this presentation, Rohann D. Wellington discusses digital evangelism opportunities for pastors and churches. Emphasizing interconnectivity, Wellington emphasizes the importance of reaching people digitally, citing 360,000 monthly Google searches for "church online" and 30,000 for "relationship with Jesus Christ." Some key digital tools discussed in this video are social media, streaming, podcasting, AI, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies. Watch the video here.

Rohann D. Wellington is the Director of the North American Division Professional Services.

New Approach to Public Evangelism Emphasizing Christ-Centered Identity by Tim Taylor and Rob Zama

During a discussion about public evangelism at the Oregon conference, church leaders expressed dissatisfaction with current methods. They described the existing approaches as fear-based, manipulative, and transactional. The leaders expressed a desire for a new approach that emphasizes transformation, engagement of the heart, and discipleship over mere information and baptisms. As a result, a new evangelistic series called "Irresistible Identity" was created. This series focuses on embracing one's identity in Christ and presenting Adventist doctrines in a practical, relatable manner. Watch the full video here.

Tim Taylor is Technology and Innovation director for Child Impact International.

Rob Zama is a digital media evangelist for Hope Channel Canada.

Challenges and Lessons from Crosswalk Church by Tim Gillespie and David Fergunson

Tim Gillespie, the lead pastor of Crosswalk Church in Redlands, and David Fergunson, pastor of Crosswalk Chattanooga, share the church's growth journey. Gillespie went from 85 attendees in 2014 to nearly 1,000. Initially, the church faced closure but instead focused on design thinking and community building. Gillespie emphasizes the importance of building communities before planting churches. Crosswalk has since planted multiple churches, including in Chattanooga, Atlanta, LA, New England, Denver, Portland, Melbourne, and North Houston.

Tim Gillespie is the lead pastor of Crosswalk Church in Redlands, California.

David Ferguson is the pastor of Crosswalk Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Introduction to the "How" of Recovery and Revitalization by Richie Halversen

In this presentation, Richie Halversen introduces the topic of church revitalization and draws a parallel between the recovery process from addiction and the revitalization of a church, highlighting that the first three steps in recovery from addiction —honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness—are crucial for church revitalization. Watch the video now.

Richie Halversen is the Director of Church Growth & Revitalization at the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists.

Declining Church Attendance Post-2000 by Roger Hernandez

Roger Hernandez addresses a concerning trend in church attendance, noting a significant decline since the year 2000, emphasizing that this is not due to a loss of faith but rather a shift in behavior. Despite the negative graphical representation of the trend, Hernandez remains optimistic, believing that divine power and grace can overcome these challenges. Watch the full video here.

Roger Hernandez is the Ministerial and Evangelism Director for the Southern Union Conference.

Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día Nueva Vida: historia y visión

La Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día Nueva Vida en Oshawa, Ontario, comenzó como IASD de Oshawa del Norte en 1992 y fue fundada para involucrar a jóvenes desconectados. A pesar de los desafíos, incluyendo el estancamiento antes del COVID-19 y el envejecimiento de la membresía, la iglesia experimentó un avivamiento después del COVID con una generación más joven que trajo energía y nuevas ideas. Los valores fundamentales de autenticidad y la búsqueda intencional de Dios siguen siendo centrales. La iglesia pretende ser relevante e inclusiva, adaptándose a las necesidades de la comunidad en lugar de perseguir una imagen que esté de moda. Matthew Feeley reflexiona sobre el camino de la iglesia, estableciendo paralelismos entre los desafíos personales y la resiliencia y las aspiraciones de crecimiento de la iglesia.

Matthew Feeley es el pastor de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día Nueva Vida en Oshawa, Canadá.