Provide multiple opportunities for people to commit to Jesus and the church

  • Give freedom to pastors to utilize different and creative proclamation methods

  • Incarnational lifestyle must be embedded and become “a must” prior, during, and after proclamation effort

  • Use funding to reach the community through fulfillment of felt needs, and make every Sabbath worship an evangelistic experience (invitation to accept Jesus at every service - altar calls, decision cards, “joins us after the service”, and others)

  • Utilize Sundays, and other days, as special days for evangelism (when and where applicable)

  • Use homes, gyms, community service centers, and locations accessible to people for proclamation evangelism

  • Plan short evangelism/decision events after long-terms of continued community outreach (this will help people to make decisions and encourage church members)

  • Use of known Christians musicians, who may attract the people we are seeking to reach during proclamation efforts

  • Create tool (metrics) to follow up on retention of the newly baptized (first five years?)


What if…

…each Adventist Pastor, administrator, seminary and theology student, and able lay leader in North America would lead some type of proclamation experience during 2022 and beyond.

…each Adventist Church in North America would actively participate in some type of proclamation experience in 2022.

…7% of our North American Division members would be equipped to become disciple makers (soul-winners).

…every pastor and church would make an intentional and sustained effort to reconnect with missing members.

…Elders would be given the opportunity to baptize those whom they have brought to Jesus and are willing to disciple, on Elder Baptism Sabbath on October 22, 2022.