“If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.” — Peter F. Drucker
“The church was establishing to be a movement of multiplying disciples.”
— Winfield Bevins
“The church is not called to be a museum of cultured long past.” — Steve Leddy
“For the early Christians the church was not an institutional organization with a mortgage payment. The church was a living organism with a mission.”
— Joseph H. Hellerman
“Leadership is the ability to transform vision into reality.” Warren Bennis
“The single best way to reach non-Christians is to start new churches. The transitional new community creates space for outsiders to plug in. This doesn’t mean “old” churches have no value, it just means the newness of new communities has the elasticity that is helpful.” Timothy Keller
“If you go out to witness, chances are you’ll be a bad witness. If you witness as you go out chances are, you’ll be a good witness.” Bruce Bowman
“If we have a church today it is because someone planted it yesterday. And if you want your children to have a church tomorrow, you have to plant a church today.” — José Cortés Jr.
“Church planters are the entrepreneurs of the ministry world. The only difference is that the return on investment has nothing to do with money, and the profit lasts forever.” — Brendan Robbins
“A church planter should start by wearing out two types of leather: Bible leather and shoe leather.” -Charles Brock
"Your neighbors in the kingdom are already sitting next to you & living next to you, time to start practicing what the kingdom will be like." Jose Cortes Jr.
“The building is not the church. We are the church. The great influence that will change the world will not be the church building but us being the church everywhere, with everyone, and at all times.” Abdiel Del Toro
“In such a fearful world, we need a fearless church.” -C.S. Lewis